
MP: SIT will now investigate the honeytrap case of retired BHEL officer, the main accused made many shocking revelations

September 06, 2024

Bhopal. In Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, a case of honeytrapping a retired officer of BHEL came to light. The main accused Shashank has made many shocking revelations. The names of four accused have come to light, including two women. Now the SIT will investigate this entire case.

In fact, a retired officer of BHEL in the capital Bhopal was trapped in a honeytrap by luring him to meet a Russian girl. The retired officer was called to a hotel and more than 25 pornographic videos were made. Then the members of the gang started blackmailing the victim by posing as crime branch policemen and threatening him with arrest. About two and a half lakh rupees were recovered. The accused were demanding Rs 25 lakh. Not only this, for recovery, an elderly person was kidnapped from Bhopal and taken to Jabalpur.

The retired officer somehow escaped from the clutches of the accused and reached the police. Where he complained about this matter. On this basis, Govindpura police station registered the crime and took cognizance of the matter. Also, the police arrested the main accused. And took PR from the honorable court for interrogation. The accused has made many shocking revelations.

A sensational case of honeytrap has come to light once again in Madhya Pradesh. Where a retired BHEL officer was trapped in the trap of honeytrap. Called him to a hotel and made more than 25 pornographic videos. Then blackmailed and extorted money. Not only this, he was kidnapped from Bhopal and taken to Jabalpur for recovery. At present, the police have registered a case against four people including two women who were operating the honeytrap gang. The main accused has been arrested. At the same time, other accused including the Russian girl are being searched.


MP: कांग्रेस भी BJP की राह पर, जाति सूचक वाले गांवों, मोहल्लों, मजरे, टोलों के नाम बदलने की मांग

Fri Sep 6 , 2024
भोपाल। बीजेपी सरकार (BJP Goverment) द्वारा लगता मध्य प्रदेश (Madhya Pradesh) समेत देशभर में शहरों और संस्थाओं (Cities and Institutions) के नाम बदलने की मुहिम चलाई जा रही है। इसको लेकर लगातार दूसरी पार्टियां मुद्दा भी बना रही हैं। इतने सालों बाद अब कांग्रेस (Congress) और बहुजन समाज पार्टी (BSP) भी बीजेपी की राह पर […]
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